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About Band Name
Incorporating the Worldwide Band Name Registry.
Established since 1997 is the music industry standard for registration of band names. Band name registration helps your band establish whether the name is uniquely yours and assist in consolidating its awareness.
The online registration carries a $15 fee. This includes automatic free entry in the Worldwide Band and Artist Directory worth $5. Plus entry in the Online Database archive at All this is included in the the $15 registration fee. By completing the Electronic Registration Form, you will be allowing the entertainment industry to know how to reach you, your manager, publisher, record company and publicist.
In the next Directory your band name will be published in the Worldwide Band and Artist Directory. The published book of current name usage and official web sites is available to legal affairs and A&R departments of Major Record labels as a guide to global name activity. Once registered your band will be able to post press releases at
For all enquiries or further information please contact