, establised 1997


Please read our legal notice carefully and then click on the appropriate box at the bottom. Accepting allows you to register with us. For further information about the registration process please visit our ABOUT and PRIVACY sections. makes no representations or warranties with respect to this web site (the 'Web Site') or its contents, which are provided for use on an 'as is' basis. disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to the Web Site and any web site with which it is linked. While makes every effort to present accurate and reliable information on the Web Site, makes no representations or warranties as to whether the information accessible via the Web Site or any other web site with which it is linked is, in fact, accurate, reliable, complete or current. This service does not provide a copyright, tradename or trademark registration or protection and is in no way affiliated with any agency of the United States or any foreign government. in no way guarantees that the name being registered with this service will belong to the individual or other claimant or that there is not a prior owner of the name being registered. As such, will not be responsible for any errors or omissions or results obtained from the use of this service.

Important- To complete your band name registration and to access the validated certificate, please pay our one-time $15.00 fee now by choosing one of the fully secure payment methods:

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Register your name

Registering with Bandname is the first step towards establishing your interest in "The Name" you have chosen to represent your musical endeavors. Your intention to establish "Prior Usage" and "Goodwill" will be archived in perpetuity and featured in the following:

World Wide Bandname Registry' Online Search

This unique database displays historical records of prior usage of a name and displays data for Music Industry members wishing to clarify the active or passive status of a given name.

World Wide Band and Artist Directory' Trade Publication

This three-volume publication featuring your 'Name' is lodged with the Library of Congress in Washington D.C. and the British Reference Library in London.

Bandname is used extensively by Music and Entertainment Industries as a guide to 'Name' activity with the intention of avoiding expensive legal challenges over territorial name conflict.

How much does it cost?

A one-off, lifetime registration fee of $15.00 ensures your claim to the name will remain visible in the event of any name conflict claims and alert other artists of your active status. In addition you will have full access to all our unique member services.

FREE Member Benefits..

Registration also grants you lifetime access to the many business tools developed exclusively for the benifit of our members, including opportunities to participate in Beta test trials of some of the most advanced software platforms prior to their release. These features are accessible via your account page after registration is completed.

Upon completion of your registration you will receive a dated certificate confirming your registration. Be sure to retain your user name and password to gain access to the Bandname on-line community of over two million musicians.

Search the registry for a band name (You will be prompted for a free basic registration prior to search)